Why Does Coffee make me Sleepy? Reasons and How To Avoid It?

why does coffee make me sleepy

According to the National Coffee Association report, an average of 62% of American citizens consumes coffee as a wake-up beverage daily. Most people who drink coffee do so to improve their attentiveness and increase energy levels.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reports that an eight-ounce cup of coffee drink contains an average of 100 milligrams (mg) of caffeine. Remember that caffeine is one of the substances present in coffee that acts as a brain stimulant.

However, people react differently to caffeine. In some people consuming even one cup of coffee will make you feel tired or sleepy. But why does coffee make me sleepy?

Coffee Blocks Adenosine

Adenosine is a crucial chemical present in all cells of your body and is classified as a chemical messenger in the brain or an important neurotransmitter. The chemical controls many biochemical processes in the brain and particularly the pattern of sleep.

In your brain, adenosine acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter that inhibits wakefulness. Ideally, adenosine helps you feel sleepy by regulating the sleep-wake cycle.

Caffeine has a high affinity to adenosine and will bind to the adenosine receptors in the brain. Caffeine will block the receptors from receiving the needed adenosine. It is important to note that caffeine will not suppress the production of adenosine.

Thus, when caffeine’s effects in the adenosine receptors wear off, there will be a build of adenosine. High levels of adenosine will make you want to sleep and also lead to tiredness.

Coffee Acts as a Diuretic

Diuretics stimulate the excretion of water and salt through urine. Coffee is classified as a potent diuretic, and drinking in large amounts will lead to diuresis. Thus, drinking many cups of coffee in a day may put you at risk of dehydration since you are excreting too much water and electrolytes.

However, scientists believe that the diuretic effect of coffee will not cause severe dehydration since the drink is also a source of fluid in the body.

However, if you note an increase in the frequency of urination, your body might get dehydrated.

Dehydration affects the cardiovascular system since it reduces the amount of fluid available in the body. The heart is forced to pump faster as a compensatory mechanism due to the lowered blood pressure.

The cardiovascular changes can make you feel tired and dizzy. Thus you will want to sleep more than usual.

You have Build Tolerance to Caffeine

If you regularly consume caffeinated beverages, your body will develop tolerance. Remember that caffeine blocks the adenosine receptors from receiving adenosine; with time, the body will resort to a compensatory mechanism to counteract the effects of caffeine. Thus, in the long run, your body will make more adenosine receptors.

Consequently, over time your body will develop tolerance to the effects of caffeine in the body, such as alertness. If such physiologic changes occur, your body will not be affected by the stimulant effects of coffee.

The high number of adenosine receptors will lead to the binding of more adenosine. The final result is that you will sleep more.

The Sweeteners in Coffee Raises Blood Sugar Levels

When drinking your coffee drink, you can add sweeteners such as honey, sugar, or whipped cream. The sweeteners increase the level of sugars circulating in your body. In response, your pancreas produces insulin which reduces the level of blood sugar.

In some circumstances, your body will produce high insulin levels, significantly reducing blood glucose levels below the average. It leads to a physiologic state known as hypoglycemia, and your body will experience reduced energy levels.

Some of the side effects of hypoglycemia include irritability, dizziness, and feeling hungry. In such a state, your body will want to sleep.

Coffee Beans may be Contaminated

According to research done, 91.7% of the coffee samples had traces of mold contamination. In another study, the coffee samples contained traces of mycotoxins, such as ochratoxin A and aflatoxin B1. In 2013, a study established that mycotoxins contamination could lead to chronic fatigue.

If you are still wondering, ”why does coffee make me sleepy?” the problem can be due to coffee bean contamination.

Caffeine Increases Level of Stress

Caffeine causes the increased production of two hormones, cortisol, and epinephrine. Epinephrine is produced when the body is responding to internal and external stimuli of stress in the body. The hormone will signal your heart to pump blood harder. High levels of this hormone will cause your blood pressure to go up.

Other side effects include dizziness, weakness, and a throbbing headache. In such a physiological state, you will want to sleep more.

Also, caffeine will lead to double the production of cortisol in the body. Cortisol is a stress hormone produced in the hypothalamus; it coordinates your sleep cycles and will induce stress in the body. If you have too much cortisol in your body, it is normal to feel fatigued.

Typically, epinephrine and cortisol put your body in a bad physiological state. This state will tire you out and increase the urge to sleep.

How to Minimize the Effects of Coffee

According to Mayo Clinic, every individual should consume only four eight-ounce cups of coffee daily. Taking minimum caffeine in a day will reduce the effects of the stimulant.

Secondly, ensure you are taking enough water to avoid mild to severe dehydration; remember that coffee works as a diuretic.

You can also drink electrolyte replacement drinks in case you note that your body is dehydrated. You can try products such as electrolyte solutions or buy sports drinks.

But you should carefully scrutinize the ingredients of the products to ensure they don’t contain caffeine.

Key Takeaway

Coffee is a prevalent stimulant beverage in many parts of the world. However, remember that the powerful stimulant penetrates the blood-brain barrier and can affect many physiological functions of the brain. Ensure you monitor the levels of caffeine you consume daily.

If you find that you are feeling sleepy after taking coffee or have any other adverse side effects, ensure you regulate the intake of coffee. Lastly, if you are asking yourself,” why does coffee make me sleepy” the article above answers your question.

How to Sleep with Your Eyes Open by Following 6 Simple Steps

how to sleep with your eyes open

Have you ever desired to sleep with your eyes open when you have boring parties at home or during get-togethers when you hardly know anyone and still your parents or your partner wants you to be present? Well, you will be surprised to know that what is just a desire for you is a reality for some. There indeed are some people who can sleep naturally with their eyes open but it is also a fact that such people experience some side effects.

Even if it does not come naturally to you, you can still sleep with your eyes open and we shall, in fact, help you learn how to sleep with open eyes. But together with learning how you can do that you also need to be aware of the side effects of this practice.

Can Humans Really Sleep With Open Eyes?

Some people suffer from a disorder known as Nocturnal Lagophthalmos and they enjoy a nap without closing their eyes. However, this condition is not as cool as it sounds. Some side effects that such people can experience include deposits of calcium around their eyes and painful dry eyes.

And, when there is extended dehydration of the eye it can lead to serious issues like infections in the eye, loss of vision, corneal ulcer, and even increases the risk of scratches or injury to the eye.

Why People Wish To Sleep With Open Eyes

Despite the disadvantages, some people still wish to try and sleep with their eyes open. This is mainly because of a lack of enough sleep. Most people lead an extremely hectic life. And, in such a situation, who would not want to try to catch some sleep that too without anyone being aware?

So, if you too are one among them and wish to learn how to sleep with your eyes open, then you can follow the steps given below.

Steps To Follow To Sleep with Open Eyes

1. Sit at a distance

The more you are away from gazing eyes the better. If you sit away from the crowd of people at your home then you are less likely to be noticed and then things become easier.

2. Relax fully

Now what you need to do is to make sure your eyes stay open but you have to try and relax every other muscle your body has. You must begin with your toes and feet, and then gradually move your way up to your neck and head.

3. Focus on your breath

Next, give attention to your breath. You need to inhale and exhale deeply and focus on your breath when you do so. Gradually, you will start relaxing without even having to shut your eyes.

4. Fix your gaze

Once you have relaxed, begin focusing your eyes on a particular spot somewhere in the room. If you are in your garden or backyard then you can focus on the distance, but, it should be on something stationary. Do not select anything that is very bright like the sun as it will not allow you to concentrate.

5. Allow your thoughts to fly

After fixing your gaze successfully, you need to allow your thoughts to wander. Your aim indeed is to try and clear your mind, but, if you straightaway try to think of just nothing, then definitely you will get distracted. And then, so many different images will cloud your mind.

So, you should rather try and daydream about anything pleasant, like a past vacation, or the one that you are looking forward to. Then, slowly, try to think of nothing.

6. Enjoy your sleep

By now you must be fully relaxed, and as you are focusing on a single object everybody will feel you are awake. Keep staring at that object, do not think of anything, and you will likely be able to sleep without anybody relaxing. And, once you manage to sleep, enjoy every bit of it.

To Conclude –

Now that you know how to sleep with your eyes open, you can follow the steps and see if it works for you. It may indeed seem to come as a blessing to those who just cannot catch on enough sleep most of the days. After all, proper sleep deprivation can be very harmful to your health.

But, at the same time, you need to understand and remember that sleeping with open eyes is also not good for your health, not at least if you make it a habit. So, do weigh the pros and cons and then decide if you want to sleep with open eyes.

How to Stop Sleep Talking: Causes and Treatments

how to stop sleep talking

Talking in sleep is one form of a sleep disorder. The disorder is generally not harmful or dangerous, but it can cause people to feel shame for what they said at night. In addition, people who talk in their sleep often keep their partner awake during the night. In this blog post, we are going to discuss how to stop sleep talking.

Sleep talking is a striking phenomenon. In some cases, patients can have entire dialogues, while others can only mumble a few words. The differences between talking in sleep are therefore large and depend on the sleep phase in which one is then.

 What Is Sleep Talking?

Talking in your sleep or sleep-talking is a sleep disorder. They can be complicated sentences, whole dialogues, incoherent nonsense, or the mumbling of words. Generally Sleep talkers don’t know that they are talking in their sleep. Therefore, it makes little sense to confront them with what they have said. They will deny it because they cannot remember anything.

Sometimes what they say is total nonsense or has to do with past experiences. Sleep scientists agree that what one says during sleep is irrational and therefore not usable in court.

While talking in your sleep is not physically harmful, it can bring shame. It can also be annoying to the bed partner or if you are staying with someone else. Because of this, people who talk in their sleep are sometimes afraid of falling asleep. Talking in your sleep can occur in any sleep phase, but the lighter the sleep, the more coherent the chatter.

How common are Sleep Disorders?

Insomnia is a serious chronic problem for about 15% of the world population. Women are twice as likely to suffer from sleep disorders as men. Many elderly people also have problems sleeping. Sleep disorder affects many people. That is not something to be ashamed of or to hide. This is how you recognize a sleep disorder.

Here you can read which symptoms and complaints belong to a sleep disorder.

Sleep disorder symptoms are:

There are different types of sleep disorders. We distinguish four:

  • Dyssomnias
  • Parasomnias
  • Sleep disorders due to psychiatric problems and
  • Other sleep disorders

What Causes is Sleep Talking?

Talking while sleeping sometimes happens to everyone. Yet men are generally more affected than women. Only five percent of adults occasionally talk to sleep. That while children regularly speak in sleep. About half of the children do that at some point.

This is because children keep getting new impressions. The information is processed during sleep. Often this is also the reason that children talk less coherently during sleep than adults. Speaking while asleep is not dangerous.

In addition, it does not affect the quality of sleep, making it a harmless sleep disorder. Nevertheless, speaking while sleeping should not be taken too lightly.

The cause of talking in your sleep has several explanations. It can occur due to stress, depression, sleep deprivation, alcohol and fever. But in some cases, this can also be physical problems, such as sleep apnea or narcolepsy.

This is a side effect of other sleep disorders. So when one is seriously tired, falls asleep during the day and talks at night during sleep, this phenomenon no longer stands alone but must be investigated.

Is Sleep Talking Dangerous?

In the majority of cases, somniloquy is harmless. It doesn’t usually have a major effect on the person’s sleep, and it normally doesn’t occur frequently enough to cause any serious problems.

However, all the sleep talker having some situations in their life that which sleep talking can cause problems and get them to embrace situations.

If sleep talking bothers a bed partner or roommate, it may interrupt their sleep and contribute to problems like insomnia or excessive daytime sleepiness.

If the content of somniloquy is embarrassing, it’s going to create awkwardness or stress between the person talking in their sleep and their bed partner.

If somniloquy occurs alongside other parasomnias, like nightmare disorder or sleepwalking, it’s going to be connected to greater sleeping difficulties which will cause fragmented or insufficient sleep.

How to Stop Sleep Talking?

In principle, talking in your sleep is not a cause for concern. This is a normal phenomenon mainly in children and sometimes also in adults. If the complaints become more severe or if you regularly talk during sleep, you can turn to your doctor.

This can refer the patient to a sleep specialist. In some cases, talking during sleep is not an isolated issue, but is a result of other sleep disturbances or stress, as described above. In that case, treatment can be useful.

There is no standard treatment for this sleep disorder. Which treatment is useful depends on the cause of the talking during sleep. In the case of stress, a visit to a psychologist can be useful. When there are other sleep disorders, medications can be used, or one can be referred to as a sleep specialist in a sleep monitoring center.

Here are some important things to do for how to stop sleep talking

Minimize Stress

Stress can be healthy in small doses, but when you are stressed over long periods, it can have a detrimental impact on your overall health. Post-traumatic stress disorder, general stress, and anxiety can all result in disrupted sleep. This all turns causes sleep talking.

Always try to minimize your stress only it can relax your body and help you sleep better. There are many different ways to reduce your stress levels. Doing deep breathing exercises is especially helpful. You can try deep breathing exercises in anytime even while you are lying in bed before falling asleep.

Additionally, engaging in practices such as mindfulness and journaling can help you process issues better and reduce stress.

Follow a Regular Sleep Schedule

Getting a good night’s sleep is very essential for good health. If you fail to get enough sleep, you risk sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation can be causes of lower your immune system and make you susceptible to stress and conditions such as sleep talking.

One of the main ways of getting a sweet night’s sleep is to sleep on a regular schedule. This includes waking up and going to bed at the same time each day. For maintaining a regular sleep schedule may help your body stay healthy, helping you fall into a deep sleep.

You should remember that it’s very important to make sure that you are not getting oversleeping because too much sleep can also cause sleep disruptions and may affect the quality of your sleep.

If you want a healthy sleep then you need to assure a proper sleeping environment. The proper environment includes a slightly color temperature, a dark room and a comfortable bed. All these things help you to get deep sleep and so that you feel refreshed after wake up. This will helps you minimize your chance of talking during your sleep time.

If you find you are having trouble falling asleep because of stress or anxieties, you may want to consider using a white-color bedsheet or blanket! Because white-colour bedsheets and blankets may help to reduce stress and improve the overall quality of sleep.

Avoid Taking Many Caffeine and Alcohol

Caffeine, alcohol, and other drugs act as stimulants. By taking too much caffeine and alcohol that may promote alertness and keep you awake, blocking the chemical that makes you feel sleepy. This can be disruptive to your sleep.

Stimulants like coffee and energy drinks have become a daily ritual, but drinking too much caffeine can have a detrimental impact on your sleep habits.

Any quite drug abuse, whether it’s caffeine, alcohol, or other drugs, can lead you to develop a poor sleeping pattern. Without your body having the ability to supply the chemical that creates you are feeling sleepy, you’ll have difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep.

This all would be causes additional stress and increases your chances of talking in your sleep. By reducing your caffeine and alcohol you can reduce the likelihood of somniloquy.

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise is very important for so many different aspects of your health, including your sleep. When you go hard in the gym, it can make you feel tired, which will be helping you to get a good night’s sleep.

The sleeping problem will reduce day by day when you exercise before you go to bed. If you have a high-intensity workout session before going to bed it can boost your energy and make it easy to fallen sleep.

Most of the people have trouble falling asleep and it is another factor that can keep you from getting the deep, restful sleep that you need, making you susceptible to sleep talking.

This risk can be minimized by simply exercising in the morning or earlier in the evening, well before bedtime. If you feel the need to exercise before bed, restrict it to calm, stretching like yoga to help relax your body so that you can still get a restful night’s sleep.

Talk with a Doctor

After making all these lifestyle changes and are still concerned about talking during sleep, then talk to your physician. After examining you for underlying conditions your doctor may be figuring out the main reason. Also you can try to take help with a sleep talk recorder.

Sleep talk recorder able to capture the sounds when you talking in your sleep and may even record you snoring. Also this can help your doctor to figure out the main reason for sleep disorders that may be causing your sleep talking, such as sleep apnea.

Your doctor can also discuss various aspects of your psychological state with you to work out if conditions like anxiety or depression might be causing your somniloquy. Treating these underlying conditions could also be ready to assist you to stop talking during your sleep if other steps haven’t worked.

What to Do When Your Bed-Partner Have Sleep Talking

It’s often bed partners or roommates of people who talk in their sleep who bear the brunt of the negative consequences of somniloquy. They may find themselves awoken unexpectedly in the night by sleep talking or be bothered or offended by its content.

If sleep talking is creating these problems on a regular basis, a focus on sleep hygiene may help their bed partner decrease the frequency of sleep talking episodes. In addition, other steps may help cut down on the disturbance from a bed partner’s sleep talking:

Wearing earplugs or headphones to block out the sleep talking. Using a white noise machine or a fan to create a soothing and stable background noise that drowns out most sleep talking.

If necessary, sleeping in different rooms can keep the noise of sleep talking from causing night-time interruptions.

If there are any other sleep disturbances or excessive daytime sleepiness along with sleep talking, sleep apnea should be considered. Consultation with a sleep doctor can help you to evaluate this.


Good sleep rhythm is important for a healthy lifestyle. People who talk regularly in their sleep can also take steps to solve the problems themselves. Make sure you get enough sleep to get an answer on how to stop sleep talking. An average of eight hours a day is recommended for adults. In addition, opt for proper sleep hygiene. Do not use mobile equipment in the bedroom and have a fixed sleeping schedule. Such steps are part of a process and therefore do not have an immediate effect.

How Should I Sleep with Neck Pain

how should i sleep with neck pain

Everyone has experienced neck pain at some point in their lives. It is one of those common injuries that you don’t really know how you got it. You also don’t know how you are going to get rid of it, so you just have to deal with it. Most of the time, it just goes away on its own though. When it persists, it would be time to go see a doctor. The medical professional may instruct you to do certain things that you must obey so that the neck pain would go away. Sleep with pain is really difficult, by this post we going to know about how should I sleep with neck pain!

The doctor will also tell you to do things that will help prevent it from happening again in the future, After all, who would want to experience something like that? It is going to prevent you from doing all the things you are supposed to do each day.

Proven Tricks: How Should I Sleep with Neck Pain

What are the most common causes of neck pain and what can you do to reduce neck pain, so that the painful combination of neck pain and sleep is a thing of the past.

In recent days many people have experienced neck pain while sleeping. You may wake up with a stiff neck or a headache. And you soon think that you may have been ‘wrong’, but what exactly is that? And more importantly: how do you ensure that you sleep well and wake up without pain?

Here are some proven tricks that help you to sleep with neck pain:

Change Sleeping Position

It is never good for your neck if you are sleeping on your stomach. It is the most uncomfortable sleeping position of them all. Barely anybody will be able to sleep with that kind of position. It would be better to sleep on your back or on your side. Of course, choose the sleeping position that will make you sleep the fastest.

There can be a few days where you can test several sleeping positions so you will find out which one works best for you. After finding that out, you can stick with that for the future until you find a better one.

Ditch the Phone

When you are always looking at your phone to see if anybody has texted or messaged you on Facebook, it is going to stress your neck a lot. It would be better to switch your mobile phone to silent mode or turn it off. If you do that, you won’t be concerned with anybody messaging you. Besides, it is the time of the day when you must stop worrying about that.

You can just worry about it in the early morning the next day. To all those people you were not able to reply to, you can just tell them that you fall asleep and they would completely understand.

One great idea would be to keep your phone inside a compartment so that you would not have to deal with it anymore. You know you will wake up the next morning seeing a lot of messages. Hence, don’t forget to tell everyone that you are calling it a night. No matter how new your phone is, it is not worth paying too much attention to it and risk getting neck pain the next day.

Besides, you have a lot of time to go over your phone when you wake up the next day. At night, your mission would be getting at least 7 hours of sleep so you would feel energized the next day.

Change the Pillow

There are a lot of pillows made with the mission of relieving neck pain in mind. Check out the materials for certain pillows and find out if you will feel comfortable using them at night. You will definitely test them at the pillow store so you will find out right away if they are compatible during your sleep.

When you have an emotional connection with the pillow during the first few days that you use it, you know you made the right decision to invest in it. Also, you must take note of the instructions regarding washing the pillow as there will be a time when you would need to do that.

Choose the Right Mattress

Your pillow can only do its job if your mattress also provides sufficient support. Whatever your preferred sleeping position, you should aim for a straight spine for the best night’s sleep.

With side sleepers and back sleepers, the shoulders and hips should sink a little into the mattress. But your bed shouldn’t become a hammock either. A mattress that is too soft will cause tension on your back and muscles. Your body then continues working at night and you still get up with pain.

Never Sleep on Your Stomach

Did you know that when you sleep on your stomach, your vertebrae are forced in many places? As a result, blood circulation is poor and muscles, tendons and ligaments are constantly under high tension.

It would be much better to sleep on your back, or on your side, but with a Sleeping buddy so that you cannot tilt forward in your sleep. And ofcourse a good supportive pillow that does not collapse or deform.

Make Small Exercises with Your Neck

During the day it is good to do some neck exercises now and then. Simply turn left and right once, gently forwards and backward and a ‘circle’ to the left and right. This keeps your muscles flexible and moving.

Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking enough water is always good for health. Also drinking water, tea or fluids is good for the circulation of your entire body, including your neck. Waste products are removed and the intervertebral discs remain well hydrated.

What is the best sleeping position for the neck?

The best position for the neck is to lie on your side using a good head pillow and a body pillow. Due to the Comfortable Body Pillow, the torso is not turned forward as in the stable side position. The spine and neck are in a neutral position.

The neck can relax optimally through the combination of body pillow and the Hi4 Deluxe Pillow. The body cushion provides a neutral position of the cervical vertebrae and the head cushion for even support.


It would be a great idea to take good care of your neck. After all, it would not be wise to take pain killers as that would affect your kidney when the time comes. It would be better to take natural medicine that gets plant ingredients. Another thing to do would be to do the proper neck exercises so that your muscles in that area would move freely. And you will get the best answer about how should I sleep with neck pain?

Besides, your muscles may have a hard time moving so you must do something about it. It is a good thing there are a lot of tutorial videos regarding how to do them in the correct way. If you don’t do it properly, nothing may happen.

7 Tricks to Help You Sleep in Heavenly Peace

sleep in heavenly peace

Are you suffering from a lack of sleep? Insomnia causes serious health problems. However, you don’t necessarily have to resort to prescription medication to sleep in heavenly peace. Simple fixes to your bedroom can help you to sleep better.

The good news is your bedroom fixes don’t have to cost a fortune. Most of them are simple ideas you can implement yourself over a weekend or in a couple of hours.

How to Sleep in Heavenly Peace

Everyone has sleep problems from time to time, but for some, insomnia is a structural problem. For those who have difficulty sleeping, there are some tricks that small adjustments to your habits to sleep in heavenly peach.

These are all sleep tips that are easy to apply to improve your sleep efficiency and sleep quality (including how deeply you sleep). You can apply them directly to improve your sleep quality, and therefore your vitality and productivity!

The importance of Going to Bed Relaxed

To fall asleep quickly, it is important to go to bed relaxed. Also, it is important to unwind in the evenings. Both physically and mentally. What can you do to unwind in the evening and go to bed relaxed? In this article, I have listed a number of useful tips for you.

10 Simple DIY Solutions for Sleep in Heavenly Peace

Before you start, it is a good idea to take a look around your bedroom. Is there something about your bedroom that does not “feel” right? Most homeowners have something they like to fix. You probably recognize at least one of them from our list of top 7 sleep solutions.

1. Dejunk Your Bedroom

Do you have a lot of electronic clutter in your bedroom? This is something must of us realize we are guilty of when we look around our bedrooms. We love to have information at our fingertips these days. Not only that, but we also like to “chill out” in what we like to think of as our personal space.

What you need to ask yourself if your big screen TV is actually helping to relax. Watching the latest news is not necessarily the best thing to do before you close your eyes.

Clearing your bedroom of electronic clutter such as TVs, laptops, and other Smart devices that help you to stay in touch with the outside world can do wonders for your sleep.

2. Breathe to Sleep

Does your bedroom feel stuffy? A stuffy bedroom means a lack of oxygen. Our brains need oxygen to sleep well. Without this vital antioxidant, the brain can’t produce the micro-chemicals we need to stay asleep.

Make sure your bedroom is well ventilated. If not consider adding air-conditioning or devices to hold your windows open while you sleep.

3. Is Your Bedroom Dark Enough?

Did you know that if your bedroom is not dark enough, your brain stops producing melatonin? This is the hormone that controls sleep. Sleeping in a light bedroom with sheer drapes or light blinds will let light in. It is not only natural light that affects our melatonin levels. Street lights and lights in your garden also do.

Make sure your blinds or drapes are the right color. In a perfect world, they should be dark blue or dark purple to catch unwanted light.

4. Simply Too Hot in Bed?

Should you choose cotton or polyester bed linen? Many of us do not sleep well because we become too warm during the night. It is time to check out what your bedding is made from.

Man-made fibers such as polyester will trap body heat and make you will warm. Once your body temperature starts rising, you will wake up. It is an in-built safety mechanism to make sure we don’t overheat.

When you want to sleep in heavenly peace throughout the night, you should go for cotton fibers instead. Cotton bedding naturally helps you to regulate your body temperature.

5. What Color is Your Bedroom?

There is a lot of talk about that your bedroom should be a certain color. It is probably true.

We have a lot to learn from the ancient Chinese belief system which is Feng-shui. According to Feng-shui principles, the ideal color for a bedroom is red. In the Orient, many bedrooms are indeed decorated in the darker shades of red. Maybe you could try incorporating different shades of red.

Good ideas include red rugs, lightly colored red walls, and Chinese red bedding. Adding an image of a dragon is said to help. Also, any bedroom mirrors should not be seen from the bed.

6. Mold and Dust in Your Bedroom

Common household pollutants such as dust and mold can interfere with your sleep. If your bedroom faces north, it may get cold during the winter. A slightly lower temperature can cause mold spores to grow. Choose paint that helps to prevent mold growth.

Make sure you don’t over-do the soft furnishings. Dust easily gets trapped in fabrics. Fabrics such as silk are less likely to trap dust if you like your bedroom cushions.

7. Bedroom Lighting

Your bedroom should not be too brightly lit. Go for light bulbs that give off a soft light. Don’t have too many lamps or lights around your bedroom. If you enjoy reading in bed, invest in a dedicated reading light instead.

8. Work on A Stable Sleep Schedule

Sleep-wake rhythms play a major role in how you sleep. And minor disruptions to your routines can put you seriously off balance.

The American neurologist Rachel Salas specializes in sleeping problems. She tells Business Insider that consistently maintaining the same time you sleep and are awake is very important for optimizing your sleep. Do you have sleep problems? Then try a very strict schedule. Go to bed at set times, get up at set times – also on weekends.

9. Turn on a Sleep Meditation

One way to stay calm is to turn on a nice sleep meditation. Meditation improves the quality of your sleep. A sleep meditation will help you sleep better and deeper. Because you completely relax your body (both physically and mentally), you put all the stimuli of the day aside and you go into the night relaxed.

Every fiber in your body comes to rest. This way you go into the night much more relaxed and you sleep better and longer. You learn to deal with disturbing thoughts that otherwise keep you awake.

Meditation also ensures a better night’s sleep in the long term. Regular meditation increases the sleep hormone melatonin in your body, which helps you fall asleep faster and better. And sleeping better at night also has an effect during the day! You are more energetic and feel rested.

10. Avoid Screens Before Going to Sleep

Screens of tablets, televisions, laptops and smartphones mainly emit blue light. Exactly the light that my daylight lamp gives off – the light that signals your body that it is morning.

As a result, your body produces less melatonin, which makes you less sleepy. That, and the activity on the screen, make your brain restless. You are not the only one who dreams of colorful diamonds after an hour of Bejeweled. So it’s very important to stay away before sleep from electric screen life smartphones, tv and laptop.


Sleeping in heavenly peace will have a positive impact on your overall health. After all, there is nothing better than waking up and feel ready to take on the day. As they used to say in ancient Rome – Carpe Diem. In other words, catch the day.

How to Wash a Throw Pillow: Easy Cleaning Tips

how to wash a throw pillow

Whenever you are at home and lay down on your sofa then you surely will want to catch a cushy Throw pillow and keep it close to you. Throw pillow adds a comfy feeling to your living rooms sofas, chairs, and beds, and make your home look more attractive and appealing.

Throw Pillow is presented itself to be our penny-pinching friends. At the end of a long day, they furnish comfort and shore up. However, just like any companion, it’s vital to look after your Throw Pillows. You just can’t forget your Throw pillows.

How to Wash a Throw Pillow

You can’t have sneaking suspicion that they’ll always be neat and brand new. They will get filthy and smelly. And when that will happen your bosom buddy won’t be so welcoming and convenient to use.!

This could leave you wonderstruck what the best strategy is for cleaning these germ-swarmed comfort things. We have turned over deep to you so that you can come across the absolute best data so you can keep your Throw Pillow cuddles to the maximum!

Equipment You Will Need to Wash a Throw Pillow

While washing a Throw Pillow you will find that this task is not a tough job but it can be slow and sluggish. But if you don’t know the right technique and perfect tools then it will surely be a time-consuming task.

So, let’s go and straight look at the appropriate items that you need to wash your Throw Pillow properly. All you need is the following:

  • Warm or hot water
  • A Vacuum cleaner with stuffing
  • Large bowl or tub
  • Scrubbing brush
  • Rubber gloves
  • Cloth Towel
  • Cleanser – detergent or a mild soap with bacteria rival

Let’s start Washing

You will have two parts to your Throw pillow, first all of the cover parts, and next is the inner part. The inner part is generally made of foam or feathers or some stuff of fiber-fill. The outer Cover part is commonly made of any fiber. For better results, you should clean the Cover part and inner part one at a time when possible.

Cleaning the Cover part 

For removing easily most covers have zippers. If the cover part is sewn shut, you can use a seam ripper to open a seam at one edge and wash it comfortably.

If you cannot safely remove the cover, then look at the following steps to identify the fabric.

  • Check whether the fabric of your pillow is washable or not. If it’s washable then you can put the entire pillow into the laundry.
  • If the material of your pillow is delicate or dyes run, then you’ll vacuum or beat the pillow by hand to get rid of dust and soil.

If your pillow starts to stink then don’t worry. Sprinkle baking soda on the pillow and let it sit and set for a few moments. Then vacuum it off.

You can also put you foam pillows in the sun occasionally which will let it remove all the bacterial things as you know sun rays are effective in disinfecting your clothes.

To launder the cover, follow the instructions below:

  • Machine-wash:

If you are planning to wash your cover in a washing- machine, then you must use cold water on the tactical way. If you are washing more than colorful covers at a time, then keep in mind to separate into whites and darks. Use a lukewarm detergent made for fine quality fabrics.

  • Dry:

If you want to dry, first soak up with a clean and white towel. Line dry or dry flat. While using a dryer, make sure to set the temperature too low to prevent it from being bashful. After removing your cover from the dryer, hold up to bring back the shape.

  • Hand Wash:

To wash your pillow with hand then first you have to fill a tub with normal cold water. For better result its good if you use a mild detergent. Then very gently squash the water and detergent together through the fabric. You will need to wash several times to remove all the soap detergent. At last, let them dry on the Sun.

Cleaning the Inner part 

Your pillow’s inner material would be most commonly stuffed in with fiber-fill and feathers which can be easily be washed in a machine. But in case if the inner part is filled in with foam then you have to wash with hand.

  • Machine-wash:

While cleaning with a washing machine then it’s better to wash at least two pillows at a time. Then fill the machine with cold water and sprinkle detergent and then add your pillows. Keep it to wash gently.

After taking them from the washer floss the pillows and put them into a dyer. It’s the right choice to use low heat for the pillows which are filled with fabric materials and to use medium heat for the pillows which are filled with dry feathers. During the Drying, remember to fluff for quite a few moments.

  • Dry:

If you want to dry then first of all squeeze as much water out from the foam as much as you can. You can put it flatly on a drying rack until the inner part is fully dry. Remember not to put foam in a dryer near heat or flame.

  • Hand Wash:

To wash your pillows inner foam with hand then first you have to fill a tub with normal cold water. Use mild detergent. Drench your pillow and then squeeze to wash. Now to rinse, squash them again in clean water several times. Let them dry.

What to Do If Throw Pillows Don’t Have A Cover

In-case your pillows don’t have a cover, then you can follow the below options:

  • Dry-cleaning:

If your Throw pillows are made from a soft fabric, take them to the dry cleaner.

  • Spot Cleaning:

Gently use a soaked sponge or cloth to smudge away stains or dirt. Then allow them to air dry.

  • Machine Wash:

Follow the instructions given above.


That’s all you need! hope you understand how to wash a throw pillow! Make sure to wash your Throw pillows at least once every 2/3 months if you want to get a fresh feeling. In case you have pets who always run on your sofa or beds then you might have to increase the washing times to get rid of their germs.